After over 70 years on the throne of England đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż Queen Elizabeth II died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 96.
It is amazing that two days ago she was bidding Boris Johnson goodbye as the UK đŹđ§ PM and welcoming Liz Truss as the new UK đŹđ§ PM.
It just goes to show you that everything has its time and reason, nothing is by chance, which Queen Elizabeth II would have understood fully being a Spiritual earthly human being before being Queen.
She would have fully understood from an early age her destiny, even though she was not in the direct line to become Queen, but because of her uncle King Edward VIII stepping down from the throne over love, Queen Elizabeth became the heir apparent when her father King George VI sat on the throne of England đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż
So as you can see dear brothers and sisters earthly paths can be changed by destiny and love in the most amazing ways at times.
Now King Charles III becomes so officially today, a name taken from two of this Spirit and Soul’s bloodline of Stewart.
Now King Charles could have chosen a different name other than Charles, but King Charles is a canny King and knows the strength of his Scottish roots, plus he will also try to united the Scottish people behind him, which will be a task and a half to say the least because he is not his mother, and never will be.
The reason why the Stewart bloodline is still not on the throne of Scotland đ´ó §ó ˘ó łó Łó ´ó ż England đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż Wales đ´ó §ó ˘ó ˇó Źó łó ż Northern Ireland đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż today is because Queen Anne’s children did not survive, even though she had 17 pregnancies, so the bloodline of Stewart, even though it still runs through the blood of millions of earthly human beings, Earth wide, was passed to another branch of that bloodline because the last Stewart Queen’s children did not survive.

Once more destiny changed, but not by chance, because nothing is by chance.
Now comes King Charles III, let’s give him a fair wind before judgement and this is a Stewart saying so.
Queen Elizabeth is going home to be with her Soul-Mate Philip and their Eternal Life together, but few upon the Earth-Plane comprehend this Truth anymore.
King Charles III has been proclaimed the new King in London by the Privy Council.
So everything is signed sealed and delivered.
The new Queen Consort, Camilla and new Prince of Wales, William were both present at this ancient ceremony.
It is amazing how quick things are moving for King Charles III following the death of his mother and Queen Elizabeth II.
Amazing sights of crowds lining the villages, towns and cities of Scotland đ´ó §ó ˘ó łó Łó ´ó ż are being revealed by the media, and it is fitting for such a long reigning monarch and much loved monarch throughout the World, let alone here in the UK đŹđ§
Her funeral is going to be amazing, as are the transition events pertaining to King Charles III throughout the UK đŹđ§
King Charles III and his Queen Consort arrived in Northern Ireland yesterday, which went very well bar an incident with a fountain pen ✒️ and its ink mess, which truly got the King’s anger to rise.
It has been nonstop for King Charles III and his Queen Consort Camilla and at 73 he must be cream crackered since his mother’s death last Thursday, though who put the leaky pen đ there for the King and his Queen to mess their hands and clothing might be pulled over the coals for such a mistake.
Just as well the Tower of London is just a tourist attraction now or the pen pusher would have lost his head in days of yore đ
President Putin has not been invited to Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral and he is not a happy bear, after being so kind to the Queen.
Putin would not have to the Queen’s funeral, for fear of being arrested for crimes against humanity in Ukraine đşđŚ and just incase a hired crackpot took a pop at him.
I believe the media are making a big deal of their truth with a small t about President Putin being furious with not being invited.
Now when all the rest of the Earth’s leader are in London, with even a possibility of the Ukraine đşđŚ leader, President Zelensky making an appearance, which would really piss off the King of the North, Putin, who might strike beyond Ukrainian borders.
Prince William while talking to senior military officers about Monday’s funeral of her Majesty, his granny, “I hope it all goes well, she’ll be watching, she loved detail, and she’ll be watching, I’m sure.”
A young Princes words of Truth, whether he understands that Truth of life after death or not, but his granny will be watching, as most Souls do before returning home and their Eternal Life.
Though some Souls do not accept their death, especially if it is sudden, and hang around causing chaos in some households, and are called Spirit’s by your so-called expert ghost hunters LOL.
I LOL at these so-called expert ghost hunters because, they are going to hunt ghosts and when hear a noise or whisper, their near crap themselves.
You would think they would welcome contact from beyond this Earth-Plane, but most are actors in their own minds, while others give themselves away because of their fear of the Spirit’s they wish to make contact with.
Mork calling Orson!
All over the UK đŹđ§ millions are paying their respects to her Majesty, though there have been small pockets of anti-Royalists within ever corner of UK đŹđ§ but the majority of the public were showing emotional respect for a woman and Soul most upon the Earth-Plane knew all their lives.
King Charles III and his son, Prince William, the new Prince of Wales đ´ó §ó ˘ó ˇó Źó łó ż spent quite a lot of time shaking hundreds of hands today, but when the Earl and Countess of Wessex stopped outside Buckingham Palace, only Sophie shook hundreds of hands, with her husband only shaking one that I saw on the news.
Now on Social Media the trolls were out in force criticising Edward, the Earl of Wessex for not shaking peoples hands, but with Covid-22 very much still around this September 2022, with many still dying from it daily throughout the Earth-Plane, so maybe Edward, the Earl of Wessex was being smart and cautious.
It will be interesting to see how the Covid numbers increase after Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday.
Meanwhile, ex President Trump has not been invited to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, though he has been invited to the US Memorial for Queen Elizabeth II.
Meanwhile, Brazil’s đ§đˇ Jair Bolsonaro and his wife arrived in the UK đŹđ§ and already is using the Queen’s funeral as an election rally, which is so disrespectful.
Whoever invited this madman to the Queen’s funeral will regret such an decision, because this evil egotistical man is like ex President Trump and he will only accept him winning the forthcoming elections in Brazil.
The Amazon rainforests of Brazil đ§đˇ are the lungs of the Earth-Plane, but alas, like Trump and Putin, Bolsonaro has no interest in the rainforests or the indigenous people of his land, which is truly sad.
The offspring and followers of the fallen sons are busy in these last years of this Age, where even the elect are deceived into believing certain dark souls are acceptable over other dark souls.
Tomorrow’s funeral will be the biggest funeral in the UK đŹđ§ if not Europe ever, with many 100’s of millions watching Earth-Wide, which is an example of a special and important Soul heading home.
Great change is coming to this Earth-Plane, with special Souls leaving the Earth-Plane because they have done the bit and time.
Speed home Queen Elizabeth, for you have a grand welcoming awaiting your Soul’s arrive in the Dominions and Principalities above.
The beauty of life is, it never ends, especially for those chosen to continue on to other realms of learning throughout the many Dominions and Principalities above, though many Souls volunteer to return the Earth-Plane in other lives through their bloodlines, many live simple, but helpful lives, while others become King, Queens, Prince, Princesses, leaders, religious leaders, pop stars, artists, writers, sportsmen and women etc…the list is endless.
Queen Elizabeth will stay about her flesh until her burial, then with Phillips Soul they will return home above, but like all Souls they can return to watch over their families and friends still incarnated upon the Earth-Plane.
The Sunflower symbolises devotion, loyalty, happiness, peace, admiration, longevity, optimism etc…all traits of Queen Elizabeth II, and as such is called a Child of God and Goddess Most High, Most High Father and Mother of all Creation.
Speed home fair child, because New Life awaits in Eternity.
King Charles III is not only a bonnie King, but also a Wiley King by visiting the birthplace of King Charles I, which means he is strengthening his ties with the Stewart bloodlines throughout the Earth-Plane.
King Charles III can trace his lineage right back to Robert the Bruce, or Robert I, the first King of Scotland so keeping those ties to the fore is very important to King Charles III and his present lineage.
Peace be with you all.
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