Sunday, January 17, 2021

We Are Not Alone 😇


Millions believe in Aliens, especially in these latter years, months and days of this Age, with programmes like UFO Files Ancient Aliens etc..., but alas this belief mainly comes Hollywood and Authors and of course your TV and Satellite TV Channels.

When God Most High, our Heavenly Father said in Genesis, “Let (Us) make man, and woman in (Our) image, after (Our) likeness,” He was not alone, because (Us) and (Our) are plural, revealing a Great Secret to you, We Are Not Alone, and never have been, or ever will be, because the circle is still unbroken regardless of the mess of your Earth-Plane.

Now let me reveal to you, I do not belong to any of your earthly religions or stand in their buildings of human hands, which will crumble to dust in the Day’s of Lot, but I love and believe in our Heavenly Father and Mother, the female Ruach Ha-Kodesh/Holy Spirit/Ruh al-Qudus and I most certainly love and believe in Yeshua/Jesus/Isa and His wife, love, co-creator and daily delight Mary Magdalene and their children and bloodlines still alive upon the Earth-Plane in 2021, and they reveal what I reveal to you 😉

What King, either in Heaven or Earth has no Queen?

What Queen has no King, unless your one of my Ancestors, Queen Elizabeth I, though even she had a husband and lovers, but no King.

Billions believe because of a young upstart, Charles Darwin, that we, earthly human beings came to Earth upon comets as microorganisms, which the morphed into fish 🐠 then lizards 🦎 lizard-birds and then apes 🦍 Mork calling Orson, Beam me up Scotty.

We, earthly human beings came from Heavenly Human Beings, who in their image, after their likeness we stand human beings.


Within your scriptures, time and time again, ones from Heaven appear to earthly human beings in the forms of men, meaning they are Heavenly Human Beings, but human beings regardless and if you claim to believe in not only God Most High, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and your scriptures, then this Truth cannot be denied.

Scientists have a lot to do with Darwin’s theory of evilution and keeping this great deception going since his time in 1800’s.

Yet these Scientists have brought nothing new to the table over the centuries to say, “Evilution is no longer a theory, but is fact, and this they have never done, or ever will.

We, earthly human beings came from Heavenly Human Beings.

I have grown up with Sir David Attenborough and Professor Brian Cox both of who bring forth excellent documentaries about life upon Earth, and above, but they are wrong when it comes to the Big Bang Theory and evilution regardless of their decades of study, research, exams and multiple letters after their names, which is sad.

Sir David Attenborough and Professor Brian Cox have never been into space to see the glory of the Earth-Plane below and reveal its Truth to those who live upon the Earth-Plane.

I have very few exams to my name, and as for letters after them, Mork calling Orson, but I do have our Heavenly Mother, Wisdom as my guide and She reveals the all to me, above and below.

Enoch and Elijah did not taste death, meaning they still live today in the Dominions and Principalities above, yet your earthly preachers and teachers fail to grasp or reveal this Truth to you.

To be continued...

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