Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Abuse within the Church System In Ireland And Beyond 👀


On the 12th day of January the Magdalene Homes come into sharp focus again for the abuse of women and their children, and family who they were taken from and all because they made mistakes.

I as a child was abused as a child and teenager and knew the Hand of Rome well by the time I was leaving secondary school.

I know my abuse led to me self-abusing myself with drink and drugs for many years due to not being able to cope with my abuse in my head, which saw me get myself into all kinds of trouble with the law, all of which was totally against my character and will.

Will sober I was a perfect gentleman, but when excessively drunk, Demons came calling to keep me company.

I never set out to hurt those I once loved and love, but that is alcohol and drugs, it will remove everything from you if Wisdom and moderation is not found.

I never lost my faith in God Most High and Jesus throughout all my abuse, and I had yet to meet our Heavenly Mother yet, the female Ruach Ha-Kodesh/Holy Spirit/Ruh al-Qudus, but She was to enter my life 20 odd years ago, to change it forever as you are reading.

I do not take lightly what I am writing pertaining to Spiritual Truth and I would never mock our Heavenly Father and Mother, or Jesus and Mary Magdalene or their Truths, but I will write on subjects which have touched me personal and their impact and experiences on me and others I talk to.

Remember this dear brothers and sisters, Jesus warned the abusers of their end:

“It would be better for a millstone to be put around their necks and cast into the sea, than the second death they have coming to them at the Judgement of the Divine Council above.

The truly sad part about the abuse within all religious organisations is, they do their abuse using the names of God Most High, the Holy Spirit and Jesus without shame, knowing they are being watched by their Heavenly Family above, and will answer for the acts of evil eventually.

The Irish ☘️ government are to apologise for decades of mother and child abuse within the church run institutions.


A former Cardinal within the Church of Rome, McCarrick who was defrocked in 2019 for child abuse, faces more allegations of child abuse in the USA.


Religious organisations across the board are failing children in 2021, which means they have learnt nothing and have done nothing about the abuse of the little one.


Read this shocking report above.


Ex-Pope Benedict has admitted he was at a meeting pertaining to child sex allegations, after first denying he attended such a meeting.

This meeting pertains to Bishop Benedict turning a blind eye to child abuse when he was in charge in Munich, Germany 🇩🇪 

Which god were these human beings from the Roman Catholic Church following, because I tell you this dear brothers and sisters it was the Most High God, our Heavenly Father.

To be continued...

San Dom de Nanta van san Nantess estanto?




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