Wednesday, March 13, 2019

De Cora Vistat Ulaylah-My Sweet Princess Ulaylah.

She comes to me in dreams and visions my Soulmate of Eternity.
She plays with my Soul,
but never lets me see Her face as She hides behind Her veil.
I still await Her appearance in my life,
this incarnation,
though nineteen years I am waiting for Her touch like silken rose petals descending upon my body.
She is my Twin-Soul,
my mirror image,
reflections of self,,
but feminine.
I crave Her touch again,
much to the hilarity of those close to me.
To them, 
She is my invisible friend,
invented in my mind and as such,
I must be mad,
which is hurtful from those once so close to me.
Curim del di de cora Ulaylah,
et stealia ante avey dos de Tora van Aurah de cora Vistat,
Curim del di.


San Dom de Nanta van san Nantess estanto?

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