Long before Putin’s war in Ukraine, COVID-19/20/21/22 had already changed the nations of the Earth-Plane and their peoples completely claiming over 6 million lives as it spread and spreads.
Covid has not gone away and is spreading in size once more throughout the Earth-Plane.
Already food supplies and energy supplies were stretched to limit by millions falling ill with this evil virus, which is still claiming thousands of lives each day.
Now we have war in Europe, which could reach a nuclear war if Wisdom is not found quick.
Thousands have died on both sides in this mad Putin’s war, but the King of the North is not backing down, and if he knows his destiny within scriptures, then he will fear none at present and will continue his madness within Ukraine đşđŚ
Food, fuel and energy prices are going through the roof, yet big suppliers of such goods are still making billions from the poor who depend on such goods to live.
It is always the rich getting richer, while the poor descend further into the debt of the rich who control most upon the Earth-Plane from birth to death.
Fuel poverty has millions of UK citizens freezing this beginning of Summer 2022, because though it is Summer, the days and nights are still cold.
Tens of millions struggled and struggle for a better life, throughout their lives, for what?
Now the King of the North, Putin at present has threatened to turn of the gas to Europe, if the countries Russia đˇđş supplies with gas do not pay for that gas in roubles.
Be glad that it is now Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, where days will get warmer, and the need to heat your homes and businesses will not be really need again until around October.
The Spirits of Mother Nature will be angry this 2022, which is the doing of greedy men throughout the last 100 years.
When you explode ton after ton of explosives in your foolish wars, then, the pollution from those explosions rise high in the sky, which then enter storm systems and travel with the wind.
Plus, these explosions move rocks below them, which the move other rocks until eventually the Earth quakes, which could be thousands of miles away from bombs exploding.
It is like waves beginning their journey far from their ending many miles away.
Then you have explosions in mining, drilling and all the other explosions all over the Earth-Plane.
Earthly human beings do not comprehend these Truths and believe natural disasters are just natural, which have always happened, but watch as this year unfold, with twisters, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, earthquakes, even in divers places, flooding, flash flooding, sinkholes, storms, wildfires etc,
All will increase in strength and frequency.
Egg farmers in the UK are demanding a £0.40 increase in egg prices else the eggs will run out.
It’s all going Pete Tong this April 2022.
With Russia đˇđş and Ukraine đşđŚ being the bread basket of Europe, and supplies being hard to come by those needing them due to Putin’s war on Ukraine đşđŚ and Russia đˇđş no longer supplying those who sanction them, the food prices, as written earlier will continue to rise.
It doesn’t take much to upset the balance of human life as Russia’s war on Ukraine đşđŚ shows.
Things were bad enough throughout the Earth-Plane with the corona virus đŚ before the King of the North made his first move South into Ukraine đşđŚ and now they are going to get a whole lot worse with a perfect storm of price hikes throughout all the economies Earth-Wide.
When the Spirits of Nature begin in earnest this 2022, billions will suddenly notice the plight now facing this Earth-Plane and them.
Meanwhile, with P&O sacking 800 workers in recent weeks and replacing them with agency staff, the tail backs in goods coming into Northern Ireland are slowly building.
Stena Line Ferries have increased their sailing to try and help with the tail backs, but until P&O are allowed to sail again our part of the North of Ireland will have to make do.
Time to stock up on the essentials just incase.
Unrest continues in Sri Lanka đąđ° this beginning of April 2022 due to soaring food, fuel and energy prices.
Protestors demand their leader step down.
Milk in the UK đŹđ§ is to go up by 50% due to fuel and feed prices going up.
The perfect storm continues this 11th of April 2022.
Soon money will be worth nothing and you will not be able to feed yourselves or heat your homes.
2022 seems to be the year of great change.
4 million have now fled Ukraine đşđŚ and with those numbers on the move throughout Europe and beyond, then the corona virus đŚ will continue to impact host nations, plus already hit hard economies will feel the pinch even more.
There is only so much host nations can do as they deal with their own economic and stability problems.
Another consequence of Putin’s war in Ukraine đşđŚ
Be thankful that it is now Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, though my gas is still on because it is Baltic in Belfast, Northern Ireland this beginning of April 2022.
If Putin gets his hands on Ukraine’s gas fields then Russia đˇđş will control Europe and beyond come next Winter đĽś
Shops in the UK đŹđ§ are limiting cooking oil because of Putin’s war in Ukraine đşđŚ and as the war continues the bread basket of Europe and beyond will struggle to feed their people.
Takeaway meals and meals out will increase in price until no one can afford to eat out or in.
Then more jobs will be lost in an already pushed hospitality sector and their supplier’s.
I have noticed prices going up dramatically in goods I use to love, but do not buy anymore.
I have also stopped getting takeaway meals due to prices going up 2 months ago, which was long before the cooking oil crisis now hitting supplies and shops.
GP’s to vote on whether to shorten their hours.
I haven’t seen my GP face to face in three years and when I need to contact my Consultants, I do it myself.
The NHS was in trouble before the pandemic, then corona virus đŚ took hold and made things worse, and now even though restrictions have been eased, seeing or talking to a GP is near impossible in 2022.
Several people have died in recent months in Northern Ireland due to waiting for hours on ambulances arriving to treat seriously ill patients, so their families, friends and neighbours have watch lives wasted due to a system that is fcuked.
Now we have Putin’s mad war in Ukraine đşđŚ which could spiral into nuclear war, which would change an already dire world of mens creation into hell on Earth, where all systems will be broken and billions will die because of the madness of one man.
What people upon the Earth-Plane fail to grasp is, you cannot eat you money or gold when the food and water is contaminated or does not exist.
Putin cares not for his people, which is truly a dangerous thing.
10’s of thousands have lost their lives in Putin’s mad war, on both sides, though Russia đˇđş have had the most deaths and injuries in such a short war, and because of it, everything is rising in price, which not return to normal as business owners wish for their profits to be maintained.
We live in dangerous times dear brothers and sisters, prepare thy ways, for the time is at hand.
Meanwhile, in China đ¨đł Covid-22, which is what is should be called by now is running rampant with millions being locked down in recent months, which will see supplies being affected once again throughout the transportation sector, especially upon the sea, which then would once affect supply lines, which would once more affect the supply to shops, which would then see hiked prices hike even more, which would mean even tightening of belts in households.
It is time to awaken to the fact that this Age is coming to an end and what you are feeling and seeing all over the Earth-Plane is not just by chance.
There is enough money on the Earth-Plane for everyone to live comfortable lives, but the rich families would have none of this, because they need those under them as their slaves to keep them in luxury and to make that luxury, while the creators remain slaves to the machine.
If war stopped tomorrow this Earth-Plane and those who live on her would recover quite quickly in love, peace and harmony as it was over 10,000 years ago.
Now it is too late for change, because of men without Wisdom as their guide, which sad in 2022.
If earthly human beings had been taught the Truth of our Heavenly Father and Mother, and our Heavenly Family, all of whom are Heavenly Human Beings, in whose image, after whose likeness we, earthly human beings are, but your governments made them out the be aliens, which meant, they should not be believed, and so the Truth of our Heavenly Family was hidden from the children of the Earth-Plane, though our Heavenly Family walk this Earth-Plane today because they are Human Beings and fit in without standing out, which is perfection in creation.
It is your earthly religions and governments that have hidden your Heavenly Family and your origins from you, and the fact that you are their children, but instead you have been used as slaves to the machine of the fallen sons and their offspring, and followers.
All this has led up to this perfect storm appearing in 2022 like never before.
I will let the reader know, I am not earthly religious and I do not stand in their buildings of human hands, which will crumble to dust when the King of the North, Putin or the West foolishly make their destroying move against this Earth-Plane, but I know the signs of the times and the scriptures I see pertaining to this time in history.
India đŽđł and Pakistan đľđ° have been sweltering in 45 degrees since March 2022 and it is getting warmer by the day.
Climate change is being blamed, but with India’s record on combating their use of fossil fuels and the pollution they produce nearly nonexistent, then in Truth, the Spirits of Nature are fighting back with devastating results as 2022 and beyond will reveal in days, weeks, and months to come.
The perfect storm is growing in size this 2022.
Meanwhile, in Africa, many of her nations are experiencing severe drought, which has seen thousands on the move to find water for themselves and their livestock.
I know here in Northern Ireland, March and April have been the driest months on record, though the hurricane season should change that if it begins, because ex hurricanes and tropical storms pass by and over Northern Ireland after they are finished with America đşđ¸
McColls shops have gone into administration, with 16000 jobs at risk throughout the UK đŹđ§ which would be disastrous news for those employed by the company.
Other shop chains have tried to rescue the company, but so far all deals have been rejected.
Strangely enough, McColls shares went up in the hours leading to its collapse.
It is just another factor added to the perfect storm this May 2022.
Sri Lanka đąđ° is on the verge of anarchy due to price hikes in food, fuel, water and medicines, and this is only one nation suffering all the above.
The public want change in their government, but this will not change Earth-Wide problems of supply and demand, and price hikes.
Unfortunately the elect and elite of this Earth-Plane have fleeced it so much and Lord it over their servants, or even slaves, which we all are, if you are not part of the elect and elite’s gang, all whom are controlled by a handful of elite families upon the Earth-Plane, and unless you are from this elite families and their bloodlines then, you are but slaves to their machine.
People in this part of the Earth-Plane in the UK đŹđ§ now know, and have known for many decades now, as have most nations upon the Earth-Plane, war cause millions of displaced people to travel to foreign shores to flee those wars, and this was happening long before Putin’s war in Ukraine đşđŚ
Now millions are fleeing the madness of one man and his forces, and when you here Ukrainian’s describe Russian soldiers, many say, “They have no Souls,” which viewers who watch the news and hear these words do not fully comprehend.
Putin and most of his forces have dark souls within them, who do not act like human beings.
Never truer words have been written pertaining to the latter days, months and years of this Age, and never truer words are being said by the brave people of Ukraine đşđŚ who are witnessing the dark souls in their daily lives and the acts of evil they bring forth against Ukrainian men, women and children.
Chemist’s in the UK are finding it hard to get Hay Fever medication this 9th of May 2022, and the tree pollen falling like snow yesterday along my River Lagan Walk, which I have never seen before in walking along the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways these last 15 months of so.
I have also notices that the Dandelions are out in force this May 2022, and I have not seen such numbers in Dandelions before, and I have written 15 River Lagan Walks books available on Amazon.com-Aunidan Christi, which record life and growth on and around the River Lagan in South Belfast.

Hay fever sufferers will have a bad time this year without the medication to tackle this deliberating condition, which will mean price hikes in hay fever medication, along with all the other prices hikes taking place this 2022.
The perfect storm is growing in size day by day.
The cost of living is beginning to bit in the UK as prices on everything go up.
It seems there is a recession on its way this May 2022.
The UK economy shrunk by 1.5 percent in recents weeks and with Putin’s war in Ukraine đşđŚ beginning to drain those nations supplying financial aid and weapons, those nations are beginning to feel the pinch, while paying for another nations war.
All the Russian assets seized should be sold off to get back the money that has been lost by nations helping Ukraine đşđŚ fight Russia đˇđş
America đşđ¸ is experiencing shortages in baby formula, which now seen President Biden to step and cut the red tape to supply lines.
As prices continue to rise throughout the Earth-Plane, Ukrainian grain is stuck in their ports due to Putin’s war in Ukraine đşđŚ which will mean even more price hikes when products dependant on grain continue to rise.
Energy, fuel and food prices rise and fall depending on the circumstances on the Earth-Plane at the time, but when prices drop again, which they have several times since Putin’s war began in late February, the suppliers of such services and items do not reduce their prices as expected, which is unfair to the consumers.
Inflation reaches 9% this Wednesday in May 2022, but hears a Truth few are revealing, the UK đŹđ§ has a glut of gas, so much so they do not know what to do with it, yet energy prices keep increasing this 2022.
Even oil prices are reduced in recent months, but still fuel prices are rising, which does not make sense at all.
It seems the rich bosses from all companies have missed their big bonuses while the pandemic was in full swing, and now they are not sharing their big profits with the public.
The UN has warned the Earth’s governments, that unless Russia đˇđş opens it and Ukraine’s đşđŚ grain stores soon, and with Russia đˇđş sanctioned to the hilt this May 2022, Putin holds the ace cards pertaining to Europe and beyond when it comes to grain and all the food products that rely on it.
The UN has now warned the World Economic Forum that if Russia đˇđş does not allow access to Ukraine’sđşđŚ Grain stores, then tens of millions could die from starvation.
This news comes on the day that it is reported that 2 billion people Earth-Wide are struggling to find clean drinking water.
Mundua izorratu da eta hori ez da txantxa.
Those trying to get away to different foreign countries this 28th May 2022 are facing cancellations of flights, with long queues at airports, ports and train stations.
2022 just seems to worse as the year becomes older.
It is all going wrong this May 2022 as the perfect storm becomes bigger.
Anyone who wishes to go through struggling to their final destination, which could cost thousands of extra pounds for some the FairPlay to them.
Train staff in the UK are to go on strike this June making a perfect storm even bigger as travel chaos continues throughout the UK and Earth Plane.
Meanwhile, fuel has increased past £1.80 a litre this beginning of June 2022.
Meanwhile, with a shortage of cooking oil this June 2022, 1/3 of UK chip shops could close.
An increase in fish, electric and gas prices makes this food storm even more perfect as the year goes on.
It also seems like Turkey đšđˇ are just about to start an operation against the Kurds again, who they deem terrorists, which Syrian and Russian forces in the region are preparing for, and all this on Israel’s đŽđą Doorstep.
Meanwhile, Stagflation is the new in word this June 2022, where inflation is high, while a nation’s growth is slow, and unemployment is high.
This could lead to an Earth-Wide recession, which would mean more wars and regional conflicts, Earth-Wide protests and the breaking down of societies.
Add in the coming natural disasters, drought and climate change, producing extreme weather Earth-Wide, and maybe then those who live upon the Earth-Plane will awaken to what is coming and cannot now be stopped.
Many nations will experience severe drought this 2022, which could see millions die.
10,000 years ago, all upon the Earth-Plane lived in Love, Peace and Harmony and all wealth and produce was shared and none went without.
Then the fallen sons arrived upon the Earth-Plane and force married into the Divine Race of earthly human beings, who daughters went on the bring forth children, some of whom became mighty men, men of renown.
This fallen bloodline is still upon the Earth-Plane today in 2022, but the elect have been deceived and do not see that elite families and their servants control this Earth-Plane and all upon it.
If everything was shared throughout the Earth-Plane and weapons of war were destroyed, then, this Earth-Plane would be as one, in Love, Peace and Harmony.
Billionaires die just as poor people do, but the only difference is, they find luxury for a brief moment of Earth-Time, but their is Eternity to come, and where will their place be in the end?
Be thankful you are not totally without housing, money, food and water because billions upon this Earth-Plane are this 2022.
In February the people of Ukraine đşđŚ lived in a relatively peaceful nation, bar from the East of their nation which Russia đˇđş annexed in 2014, which is called Crimea.
In 4 months much of Ukraine đşđŚ has been reduced to rubble by the madness of Putin’s senseless war.
Tens of thousands of civilians and fighters have died on both sides, and the King of the North is now threatening nuclear war.
Cholera is now being reported in Ukraine đşđŚ because the dead bodies lying under rubble are now contaminating the water supplies in Ukraine đşđŚ and that water will join other water sources and travel down rivers and streams in neighbouring nations.
The corona virus đŚ is still very much with us this June 2022, plus we now have monkey pox doing then rounds Earth-Plane, but especially in the UK, children have dying of hepatitis this 2022, and once more the UK đŹđ§ has been hard hit with this virus đŚ and now cholera has begun to spread in Ukraine đşđŚ
It’s all going Pete Tong this 2022.
As the UK train strike looms this week coming, the perfect storm just keeps getting worse this 2022.
Another factor is the mix is Putin’s war in Ukraine đşđŚ which at the beginning most nations were backing Ukraine đşđŚ
Now most Western nations are still supporting Ukraine đşđŚ with weaponry and financial aid, but the citizens of the nations helping Ukraine, because of price hikes in every essential good they need to live their lives, the citizens of those nations are now tiring of Putin’s war, which then reflects bad on the brave Ukrainian people.
Many talk about being free from COVID-19! as it is called still in 2022, but this is a diversion from the Truth because Covid-22 as I call it, is still with us, infecting millions and claiming many lives this 2022.
It is as if governments have resigned themselves to many losing their lives, especially with Putin’s war raging this Summer 2022.
Putin is in the driving seat when it comes to the war and it’s effects in Ukraine đşđŚ and beyond, and with prices on many essentials going through the roof, Russia đˇđş who has long prepared for this conflict are coping well with the sanctions against it.
Remember this dear brothers and sisters, Russia đˇđş and Ukraine đşđŚ are regarded as the breadbaskets of Europe.
The King of the North, at present Putin knows Winter is fast approaching this 2022, and this is when he and Russia đˇđş will come into their own pertaining to holding Europe ransom.
So unless Wisdom is found before Winter descends, Those backing Ukraine đşđŚ will struggle to feed and heat their people, which will see mass protests throughout Europe and beyond.
Now we have another old virus đŚ returning to the worlds stage in the UK đŹđ§ Polio, which has been detected in London waste water, which means it is out there in the community, but so far not cases have been detected, though parents are being advised to get their children vaccinated.
Another vaccine being pumped into young bodies.
This year’s Christmas Turkey could be absent from many tables due to shortages in many parts of the bird business because the ongoing covid pandemic and bird flu which has claimed millions of birds lives this 2022 so far.
British Airways workers are to strike this Summer 2022, making an already chaotic situation in travel this 2022 unless a deal is struck between workers and British Airways bosses.
If you look after your workers, then they do not strike.
The elite and elect of this Earth-Plane have brought all this unhappiness and discontent among their workers because of their greed, even through the pandemic đˇ
10,000 years ago, all communities shared their wealth equally and pooled extra resources for rainy days.
This was the way until the fallen sons came to Earth and married into the Divine Bloodline of the Elders above, which corrupted it then, and still does to this very day in June 2022.
The storm continues to grow this Summer 2022.
As the Conservatives turn on their boss Boris Johnson demanding he give up the ghost and leave Number 10, Boris, just like Trump did, is refusing to leave office even though most of the UK đŹđ§ politicians and public are against him now for the mess he has made of politics and the standing of the UK đŹđ§ within the eyes of other nations.
Trump, like Boris are sore losers, which goes back to being spoiled and disciplined in their childhoods.
The perfect storm within the UK đŹđ§ is getting even more stormier this beginning of July 2022.
As if the UK đŹđ§ was not in enough financial trouble before Boris and his diehard defenders totally messed things up completely.
Add in the problems Brexit and the curse of the NI Protocol have brought upon the UK đŹđ§ and Northern Ireland for many businesses, then Putin’s mad war in Ukraine đşđŚ and all the financial woes it is bringing with it, and the Storm facing the UK đŹđ§ is massive, which no government of political parties will fix, period.
The Pandemic once when this Earth-Plane for earthly human beings changed forever in this Age, and there is no return to normality again in this Age, which means, this Age is coming to an end.
Not this Earth-Plane, which is without end, but this Age must come to pass to remove the evil that now controls it.
Meanwhile, BA, British Airways are cancelling a further 10,300 flights this Summer 2022, which put other Airlines under strain and have millions missing flights and holidays.
It is best to stay at home for a while, especially with the madman Putin unpredictable ways, plus Covid-22 is on the rise again and being stuck in a foreign land in such a restless world this 2023 would not be good.
Best to stay at home for a while, just to be sure.
Explore your own homelands.
The NHS bosses in the UK đŹđ§ have put their hospitals on red alert due to staff shortages, due to staff being off work because of Covid-22 and generally struggling to cope within all departments in the system of health.
The extreme heat in the weather is not helping things in the South of England đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż either, which will put extra pressure on the already stretched NHS.
The Perfect Storm continues to grow this July 2022.
With high temperatures comes drought and water rationing, which then affects crops, which then sees already inflated food prices increase even more.
Wildlife’s are another hazard in heatwaves in the UK đŹđ§ and beyond in Europe.
Critical incident declared are Dover Port as stranded travellers heading Europe have to wait up to 5 hours on boarding their ferries, which then totally messes up peoples plans for their businesses and holidays.
Meanwhile, throughout Europe and the UK đŹđ§ wildfire’s have destroyed many properties and habitats, destroying peoples properties and life’s, which also affects the local wildlife in the paths of these wildfires.
The heatwaves have also disrupted the infrastructure of the nations involved, but especially in the not so ready UK đŹđ§ where 40.2 degrees of heat beats all records before.
13 people have also lost their lives in the UK đŹđ§ due to water accidents, while in Europe hundreds have lost their lives due to the extreme heat đĽľ
Hosepipe bans have now come into force in the South of England đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż as the dry conditions continue this beginning of August 2022.
At least 100 French towns are now without drinking water this beginning of August 2022 as the worst drought in decades bites hard.
Even in Belfast, Northern Ireland some Horse Chestnut Trees are shedding their leaves early.
I noticed this in July, which is when I began to chronicle the effects of climate change in South Belfast, Belfast City, Northern Ireland.

At first I noticed the leaves on the Horse Chestnut Trees turning brown, but then they began to fall to the ground, giving the pathway an Autumnal look, which was really strange to see, especially in Summer.
Stranger Things on my River Lagan Walks this August 2022.
9 out of 10 Dentists in Northern Ireland and UK đŹđ§ mainland are not taking on any new NHS patients, which means the perfect storm in Northern Ireland is getting even bigger this 08/08 2022.
More train staff are to go on strike in the UK đŹđ§ in weeks to come, plus Royal Mail Staff are to strike twice in August and September.
Meanwhile, NHS Nurses are to vote soon on going on strike over pay demands, which is why all the above are going on strike.
Oil and gas companies, and even city companies can give their investors and staff massive bonuses while the rest of civilisation eat cake, if even that.
Slowly, this Earth-Plane’s human beings are losing hope and struggling to survive, which will eventually lead too massive unrest as societies spiral out of control.
Without water đŚ people will die, crops will fail and businesses and private properties will not be able to function.
Once more a mini heatwave is hitting parts of the UK đŹđ§ this weekend, but with it comes the warning of drought, which has been going on now for months in the UK đŹđ§
Reservoirs are empty in parts the UK đŹđ§ and Wales đ´ó §ó ˘ó ˇó Źó łó ż and with no rain in the forecast, things for the public and farmers are in dire straits this August 2022.
An Amber Heat warning has been issued for England đ´ó §ó ˘ó Ľó Žó §ó ż and Wales this weekend.
Meanwhile, in France đŤđˇ wildfires have destroyed many properties and forced at least 6000 citizens to evacuate the regions affected.
France đŤđˇ is experiencing its worst drought in 500 years.
Meanwhile, in the UK đŹđ§ and Europe while heatwaves keep the energy costs down this Summer, and the UK have ample supplies of gas in Summer, but when Winter comes, the UK đŹđ§ will be fighting for gas on a global scale, which is when the UK đŹđ§ and Europe will be in real trouble, as will the citizens within those nations.
So in Truth, the King of the North, at present Putin has his foes by the b@@ls when Winter begins to bite in the Northern Hemisphere.
The only hope for the public throughout the UK đŹđ§ and Europe is for a mild Winter, but even this would make droughts even worse in 2023.
El Mundo esta Jodido đ¤
As I have written before, the perfect storm began at the beginning of 2022 with the evil influence of the corona virus đŚ
Since then everything has gone Pete Tong and it is getting worse by the day if you would but only open your eyes.
Once more the train workers are on strike for a fair wage.
Inflation has gone up to double figures and everything is rising in price, but workers wages are not matching those rises, yet the bosses of all these major profit making businesses are still getting massive wages and bonuses, whether it is oil and gas companies, filling stations, food stores and many other businesses, and especially the lords of war making equipment, which has increased more than ever this 2022, especially with the King of the North and his war in Ukraine đşđŚ which took the West by surprise after Putin promised he would not invade.
Now the biggest nuclear plant in Europe could be destroyed in the war, which would be disastrous for Europe and beyond, with even Russia đˇđş being affected in the fallout of their mad actions.
This madness could see Putin strike without warning his chosen targets, where millions would die in seconds and societies would fall in days, with mayhem on the streets, with the poor against the rich and with Americans đşđ¸ having more guns that any citizens, the land of the free would become prisoners of a new order of chaos.
Thinks can change in this Earth-Plane with seconds as Putin has taught the West in 2022, yet many other regions of the Earth-Plane are at war this 2022, with Israel đŽđą fighting on three fronts this 2022, against Syria đ¸đž , Palestine đľđ¸ and Lebanon đąđ§ and believe it or not, all this chaos around the Earth-Plane affects all of us, as your price hikes proof in 2022, with much more to come.
It is time to stock up as the Russian’s have been doing for decades.
Nurses in the UK đŹđ§ which includes nurses in Northern Ireland are being balloted about strike action for better pay.
Workers are striking all over the UK đŹđ§ and beyond, but their rich bosses are not listening to them.
Ofgem have put the energy cap this October to £3,500 for an average household, which could rise to over £6000 by April 2023.
All that is needed now is a very cold Winter to really increase the perfect storm this Winter 2022/23.
El Mundo esta Jodido.
Meanwhile, in Scotland đ´ó §ó ˘ó łó Łó ´ó ż the bin mens strike is leaving the streets of Scotland in a mess and also a health concern, but the bin men seem to have the public on their side, so far this end of August 2022.
Meanwhile, Royal Mail are on strike today, which will have a knock on effect with all Mail in the UK đŹđ§ and beyond.
It really is all going Pete Tong this end of August 2022.
Liz Truss is claiming she will cut taxes if she is elected the conservative leader, but no promises or mention of helping the UK đŹđ§ public!
Rishi Sunak is promising financial help and support for the UK đŹđ§ public, yet his race might already have been run.
Meanwhile, out-going PM, Boris Johnson is talking about a golden future for the UK đŹđ§ though there will be some struggling before the golden future.
Boris is a hero in Ukraine đşđŚ which is good for Boris, but that makes the UK đŹđ§ the first target if the King of the North, Putin goes nuclear ☢️ which will not be good for our wee country of Northern Ireland.
The pound plunges to a 37 year low after the Conservative mini-budget, which favoured the rich, with very little help for the poor, surprise, surprise, which puts even more pressure on families and businesses that have been struggling to recover from the pandemic and now with Putin’s war escalating, with the possibility of a tactical nuclear strike on Ukraine đşđŚ after Putin calls up a further 300,000 troops, energy prices are going to hike even higher, and extra help from the rich Conservatives will not arrive this Winter 2022.
El Mundo esta Jodido and I am not joking đ
The price of charging an electric car has surged by 42% and is nearly are dear as petrol to charge.
So much for green energy when the King of the North, Putin controls the world with his crazy war in Ukraine đşđŚ and with mobilising a further 300,000 troops to hold annexed Ukraine đşđŚ land, his crazy war in Ukraine đşđŚ is not going to end anytime soon, unless he goes tactical nuclear on Ukraine đşđŚ Which will change this Earth-Plane forever.
Hasn’t the Conservatives made a fine mess of the UK’s financial markets this end of September 2022.
Liz Truss and her chancellor looked after their own in their mini-budget, which means the rich get richer and the poor are but pawns in their one sided money stakes.
More train strikes in most of the UK đŹđ§
Plus Royal Mail staff are on strike as well as the Autumn of discontent begins this October 2022.
Meanwhile in the Lisburn area of Northern, bin men are on strike, which means no refuge is being lifted and disposed off, which has been on going now for two weeks.
I was at my daughters yesterday and the rubbish outside houses is amazing and a health hazard.
Nurses throughout the UK đŹđ§ are to go on strike demanding a 5% pay rise on top of what the government are offering.
Jake Berry MP recommends that the nurses should accept the 5% offered and he hopes they won’t go on strike, and this from a MP who gets around £120,000 per year to tell struggling families to go out a get a better paid job.
Jake apologised on GMB for those comments.
The Conservatives are in a real mess since Liz Truss took over.
It’s like others within her party are causing her many problems, because they backed the wrong women as they are now finding out.
Also, 999 call handlers go on strike, along with teachers and railway workers.
It’s all going Pete Tong this October 2022.
Millions of workers have awoken to the fact that their bosses are making billions in profits and millions in bonuses and perks of their jobs, while those below them struggle to survive.
Inflation reaches a forty year high at 10.1%, which means higher prices on everything you buy.
Put £20 on gas yesterday and got only 9 units, where before the price hikes you would have got around 50 units for £20, let’s hope the Winter is kind this 2022 and Putin keeps his nukes in their silo’s.
A new year and the perfect storm gets even bigger with rising prices in all goods.
There are also many workers who are striking for better pay and working conditions, but the rich company owners and government are not listening.
The NHS is on it knees with people dying waiting on ambulances.
Thousands of schools in the UK đŹđ§ are not fit for purpose, which means your children and grandchildren are in grave danger each time they enter their schools, and this is 2023 and the so called modern age.
Israel đŽđą is once more at war with Hamas, which is the worst for centuries, Hezbollah have joined the fighting in support of Hamas and the Palestinians.
The Houthi’s of Yemen đžđŞ have began firing missiles at Container ship in the Red Sea.
Slowly the Middle East is becoming a mess and all of us will suffer, whether financially or personally.
To be continued…
Peace be with you all.
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