Saturday, August 27, 2022

River Lagan Walks in South Belfast, Belfast City, Northern Ireland. Part Two 2022.

As April begins this 2022, the bird birds are making an appearance along the River Lagan in South Belfast, which means plenty of amazing photograph’s.

Heron’s are such beautiful birds, be they Great Blue Heron’s like the one in my photograph’s or Gray Heron’s which have yet to appear this 2022 along the River Lagan.

I love photographing the Heron’s when they are out and about on the River Lagan.
They are like birds left over from pre-historic times.
Early Summer is a magical time of the year on and around the River Lagan in South Belfast, Belfast City, Northern Ireland.
As I have written before dear readers, the River Lagan and her surroundings are like an open air zoo when it comes to the wildlife which frequents, plus the scenery along its length is breathtaking to boot.
The River Lagan begins its journey in the Mourne Mountains in County Down and ends her journey in Belfast Lough.
So you have 53.5 miles to explore along this amazing river in Northern Ireland.
While watching these two Robin Red Breasts on Good Friday I thought the Robin on the right was flirting with the one on the left, but it wasn’t, it was actually warning the other one that this was his patch and to move on.
Every hour out in Mother Nature each week brings many new species of birds to photograph, which is why I look forward each hour out, especially in early Summer.
The Kingfishers, as with all the birds on and around the River Lagan in South Belfast are busy building their nests and getting ready for their next generations of young.
The Kingfishers are such beautiful birds and not easy to photograph because they move so fast as the travel along the River Lagan, and only stop for seconds before entering their new nests, before taking off again.
My Soul comes alive when I am out in Mother Nature, with all her sights, sounds and smells.
As I have written before, every time I go out in Mother Nature she always presents me with new birds species, wildlife and scenery.
The little bird above is a Goldcrest, which is another first for me on my River Lagan Walks because I have never seen one in the last year and a half of walking along the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways, and I most certainly have never photographed one until the other day.
What a beautiful little bird, which to me is a rare find on my River Lagan Walks and a welcome bonus on this hour out.
I never truly know what I have photographed until I return home and upload my photographs to my laptop, and most of the time I am over the moon with the results of my photography.
While out sitting beside the River Lagan on the 19th of April 2022 I heard this snort behind me and when I turned around to my excitement and surprise came along a Grey Seal, around 7 miles from the sea, which is truly amazing, especially knowing the obstacles the Seals have to overcome to get so far up the River Lagan.

I love seeing the River Lagan Seal on my hours out and the reaction of walkers passing by who see it.
Once more this is wildlife that stops walkers in their tracks as they travel along the River Lagan in South Belfast, or I call it, the South Belfast Open Air Zoo.
I met two fishermen today who showed me these amazing photographs of two Brown Trouts caught in the River Lagan at Lambeg, Lisburn City, County Antrim.
One Trout is over 10Ibs in weight, while the other is over 14Ibs.
My last photographs prove, if proof is needed that the River Lagan is full of amazing fish species, some of which are monsters and it is good to see.
It is also good to meet people along my River Lagan Walks and talk about the river and all in, on and around it, which is a good way to find out where certain wildlife might be on the river.
I explore with my photography and though my last photograph is just the reflections of trees upon the River Lagan, I think it is beautiful, so when you are out in Mother Nature taking photographs, then experiment and explore with your photography.
This beautiful bird is another first for me, it is a beautiful Dunnock, which I have never seen or photographed before on my River Lagan Walks, which is why I love photography as my therapy and hobby, and writing as my passion, all of which compliment each other perfectly.
As those who read my River Lagan Walks books on Christi and my blogs about my River Lagan Walks here will know, if it catches my eyes, mind and imagination then I photograph it for my own photography records and for my River Lagan Walks books, my Brain Injury Matters NI projects and the photography sites I am on online.
There is so much to see, feel, hear and photograph along the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways and as I keep telling you, it’s all free and excellent for your health, mental health and well-being, so get out and about in Mother Nature, today and I promise you, you will not regret it.
I can only walk about 20 feet at a time due to severe sciatica, which cripples my left leg from my waist to my knee with extreme pain.
My leg also goes completely numb, which means I can no longer feel it blow me, so I have to sit down on whatever is close at hand.
Everything is blooming this middle of May 2022 as the Horse Chestnut tree reveals in my photograph above, though some trees are struggling to bud this May 2022, which could be due to climate change and a very mild Winter.
Stranger Things are happening along the River Lagan Towpaths this Summer 2022, with Autumnal scenes appearing along the towpaths since late July, which is when I began to photograph these stranger things on my River Lagan Walks.

At first I began to notice the leaves on the Horse Chestnut trees turning brown in the middle of July, but by the end of July the trees began to shed their leaves.
Slowly other trees began to shed their leaves in late July and then by early August 2022, the scenes became very Autumnal indeed.

Now the news outlets are reporting on the False Autumn at the end of August, but I was twitting my photographs of the False Autumn from late July 2022. 

To be continued…

Mother Nature is Free and excellent for your health,
mental health and well-being,
And of course your photography,
writing and creativity.

To help with my projects donate below.

Thank You.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Days of Lot Are Not Far Off-Then The Son Of Man Will Be Revealed.



The King of the North made his move into Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ in February 2022, which was the beginning of the end games in this Age, but not the end of this Earth-Plane because it is so vast, that even all of your foolish nuclear weapons would only cause a fraction of destruction upon our Earth-Plane.

You do not live upon a planet as you have been taught by your teachers and sadly preachers for centuries now.

Once the Earth-Plane and those who lived upon it were the centre of the Universe and very important semi-Divine earthly human beings, whose Ancestors were and are Heavenly Human Beings, though this Truth has been long forgotten by earthly human beings, sadly.

Luke 17:28-37 reveals a great secret few upon the Earth-Plane comprehend, which includes the so-called believer’s of this Earth-Plane in their billions.

The Days of Lot refers to the action from above against Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, but by Lot pleading the case for Zoar to be spared, the Divine Council relented on their decision to destroy the city of Zoar.

The one to come, the Chosen Son of Man and Woman, Spirit of Truth is upon the Earth-Plane as I write.

He knows who He is, as do some He has revealed Himself too.

He will reveal Himself when nuclear ☢️ destruction comes to parts of the Earth-Plane to strengthen and give hope to the Children of Wisdom witnessing the madness of men against men, with everyone else being pawns in their evil games, brought about by the fallen sons, their offspring and followers incarnated upon the Earth-Plane at present.

Yeshua was also called the Son of Man (and Woman) when He was incarnated upon the Earth-Plane and that was because He was the son of Joseph and Mary, of the bloodline of King David and Seth if you go back far enough.

The bloodline then travels to the Dominions and Principalities above, from whence volunteer Heavenly Human Beings first descended to this Kingdom of Heaven, though at present our Heaven is controlled by evil, until it is wiped clean in the not too distant future.

When the Spirit of all Truth makes His appearance upon the world’s stage, billions will reject the Divine Truth He will reveal to them, this will be because of closed earthly religious minds, conditioned from birth with only one earthly truth pertaining to their single, jealous, vengeful, wrathful son god Semjaza and his fallen brothers and offspring, and foolish followers all of whom are incarnated upon the Earth-Plane in August 2022.

He is an earthly human being and those who claim to believe in God Most High, the Holy Spirit and Yeshua, and their scriptures, cannot deny, He is a male, who is yet to come in flesh and reveal Himself to an unbelieving world.


As America pledges another $600 million dollars of military aid, President Biden has warned President Putin about using Tactical nuclear weapons or any nuclear weapon on Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ because the consequences would be disastrous for those involved and the wider world.

Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί has responded by telling America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ to read their rule book on aggression against them.

In other words, they would defend themselves to the end, which would mean nuclear strikes, especially after the Ukrainian forces amazing gains in recent weeks, but this Soul/Spirit believes, Russia’s withdrawal of troops is because of what Putin has planned for Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ and have got wind of it through their many contacts within Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί and beyond.

El Mundo esta Jodido.


President Putin has warned the West not to push him too far, because he is not bluffing when it comes to using nuclear weapons on them.

He has also mobilised 300,000 extra troops help in his so-called special operation in Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 


As Putin annexes 5 regions in Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ into Russian πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί hands, in his celebration in the Kremlin he ranted on about America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ being a fallen nation, with the West embracing satanism, which like the pot calling the kettle black if it wasn’t so serious for humanity.

President Zelensky claims his forces will take back of captured land of Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ which is a nice hope, if the King of the North, Putin goes nuclear, then the advantage to Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ will be wiped out, then the West will have to act, or not.

President Putin yesterday also brought up America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ using nuclear weapons in Japan during WWII, which will give Putin and his Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί a reason to do the same.

It is time to listen to the King of the North, at Present Putin for your scriptures reveal him and his weapons of indignation.

Open your eyes Children of Wisdom and look up, because redemption is near.

To be continued…

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San Dom de Nanta van san Nantess estanto?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Polio is Back 2022.


Parents of Children between 1-10 in London are being offered the Polio vaccine as traces of the disease 🦠  has been found in London waste water, meaning someone is pooing with the disease 🦠  

Stranger Things are happening around the Earth-Plane this 2022, with Climate Change and Pestilence in various variant’s spreading to and fro throughout populations. 

To donate to my Mission upon the Earth-Plane

San Dom de Nanta van san Nantess estanto?